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It’s summer! That means one thing – men like to come out from under their rocks, bearing more flesh than usual, you know what we mean. The men who walk around half naked just because the sun is out. You might have heard of the hashtag that went flying around social media lately, #FreeTheNipple which caused a stir in it’s fight to give women the right to show off their nipples should they choose.

The campaign gained massive publicity when Scout Willis (daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore) took a topless walk through Manhattan, posting pictures on Instagram as she went. A new bikini top for women, designed by Robyn Graves and Michelle Lytle in solidarity with #FreeTheNipple is now available.
The TaTaTop is created in a realistic skin tone with nipples right where they should be, and it’s beyond realistic!Already Instagram is buzzing with uploaded photos of ladies of all ages wearing the TaTaTop, campaigning for free nipples everywhere. 
Avery Parker
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