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We Love The Activity Book for Massaging Imagination - The Clothes Maiden

With 2016 here, we’ve been searching for something to help spark inspiration, and stumbled across this beautifully designed book, entitled; Activity Book For Massaging Imagination. This fun book contains plenty of pages to help, incase you get a creative block.

Book for Massaging Imagination - The Clothes Maiden

Activity Book For Massaging Imagination was published by EDITION LIDU, an international publishing house based in the Heart of Europe. The important goal of EDITION LIDU is to support and present art creation and book culture and preserve it for new generations. They encourage both established and young artists, writers, illustrators, graphic designers to create unique, beautiful, intelligent books which open minds and represent the cultural nourishment.

Imogen McGill

Click here to get your hands on a copy of Activity Book For Massaging Imagination.