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Let’s not beat around the bush; everyone uses the bathroom. From a fast splash-and-dash to event preparations that involve hours spent in front of the mirror and in the shower, the bathroom is easily the unsung hero of humanity. And, nobody is more passionate about that little room upstairs than Peter Hirsch. Hirsch has literally travelled the world to learn about bathrooms, an off-the-wall skill set that has afforded him huge success as Director of Soakology, a UK online supplier of bathroom suites.

Book Club: The Ultimate Bathroom Book - The Clothes Maiden

Hirsch literally lives and breathes showers, toilets and sinks – made even more ironic by the company being headquarter in none other than Bath itself (no, not in the bath!). In an unlikely yet wholly-fitting new move, Hirsch is delighted to announce the launch of his latest project, ‘The Ultimate Bathroom Book’. It’s a literal bible of bathroom information that goes beyond chain-yanking to provide fascinating, engrossing bathroom facts.

Gracie Finch

‘The Ultimate Bathroom Book’, from Varn, is available now through the official Soakology website