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Having a good night’s sleep is more important than you think. If you feel groggy and lethargic in the morning, it might be time to invest in a sunrise alarm clock, which uses an artificial light to gradually wake you up. Here’s a review of sunrise alarm clocks and the features you should be looking for when shopping for this product online.

Sunrise Alarm Clocks: What You Need to Know - The Clothes Maiden

1. Influence your Cortisol Levels

Studies show that light can have an impact on your cortisol levels, which follow a circadian rhythm. If your cortisol levels fluctuate, it could have an effect on how stressed you feel. Sunrise alarm clocks counteract this by waking you up gradually in the morning and support cortisol levels. The result? You feel more refreshed in the morning. You’ll want to choose an alarm clock that provides you with a good light source that helps you get out of bed naturally, without a loud alarm clock noise frightening you!

2. Influence your Mood

Light can also impact your mood, according to studies. In fact, “light therapy” has been shown to be effective in some people who suffer from depression. Many people who have used a sunrise alarm clock for a prolonged period of time have noticed an improvement in their wellbeing. Studies also show that a product like this can boost the hormone melatonin.

How to Choose a Sunrise Alarm Clock

Some sunrise alarm clocks come with natural alarm sounds that provide an alternative to the conventional alarm clock noises that wake you up. These include animal sounds or relaxing music. Both of these can help you wake up gradually so you feel less tired as the day progresses. If you are interested in a sunrise alarm clock then sunriseclocks.co.uk could help you compare and find the clock you are looking for.

Decide whether you want an alarm clock with batteries or one that uses the power mains. Some alarm clocks have both and will still operate via a battery if there is a power outage, providing you with extra peace of mind.

Avery Parker