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Tights are an absolute fashion staple for the upcoming Spring months. The weather is turning warmer, yet it is still a little wintery outside. If you want to brave wearing a skirt then you may be looking for a high quality pair of pantyhose or tights to keep warm in. After all, its definitely too chilly to go out with bare legs. However what is the actual difference between pantyhose or tights? Plus which is the best choice to wear for warmth in winter? We asked tight expects from Fiore Direct USA to explain the difference.

Fiore Direct USA

What is the Difference Between Pantyhose and Tights?

Both pantyhose and tights are two types of very similar leg garments. The word pantyhose is most commonly used in the USA. In Europe, both types of these garments are covered by the word tights regardless of the style. However (using the US version) the two garments have significant differences. “Pantyhose” refers to the sheer, undergarment leg wear that is finer in style. While “tights” refer to a more opaque and thicker legwear.

On both pantyhose and tights there is something called a denier count which determines the thickness of the garments. On pantyhose, the denier ranges from 8 to 30, while tights have the denier count of around 30 to 100. Pantyhose and more commonly used as an undergarment in a lingerie style. They can also be a staple in a formal women’s wardrobe. Tights are normally thicker and more durable and they are usually worn for a wider a variety of purposes.

Which is the Best to Wear During the Winter Weather for Warmth?

Due to their thicker nature, it is more advisable to wear tights, rather than pantyhose to keep warm in the winter. Pick a pair that are over 60 denier in thickness to have the ultimate warmth.

What Should I Wear With My Tights in Winter to Keep Warm?

Wear your tights with some knee high boots and a long-sleeved winter dress to look hot in the winter. You can layer up with a gorgeous three quarter length coat and add a scarf. This layering style is extremely fashionable and is very practical too for this time of year. If you want a glamourous look, go for some high heeled boots. For a more casual look, flat boots will suffice. If you would like to make more of a fashion statement then choose brightly coloured tights which will make your outfit pop.

Avery Parker

Fiore Direct USA create tights and classic pantyhose of all styles to ensure that there is a style to suit you. Looking for pantyhose instead of tights? You can view these classic pantyhose collection here.