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The Moth Diaries is based on the cult novel by Rachel Klein about an elite girl’s boarding school where a new arrival threatens established loyalties and may be linked to a spate of campus deaths. At an exclusive girls’ boarding school, a sixteen year-old girl records her most intimate thoughts in a diary. The object of her growing obsession is her roommate, Lucy Blake, and Lucy’s friendship with their new and disturbing classmate. 

"The Moth Diaries" - the clothes maiden

Ernessa is an enigmatic, moody presence with pale skin, and hypnotic eyes. Around her swirl dark rumours, suspicions and secrets as well as a series of ominous disasters. As fear spreads through the school and Lucy isn’t Lucy anymore, fantasy and reality mingle until what is true and what is dreamed bleed together into a waking nightmare that evokes with gothic menace the anxieties, lusts, and fears of adolescence. 
the_moth_diaries - the clothes maiden
At the centre of the diary is the question that haunts all who read it: Is Ernessa really a vampire? Or has the narrator trapped herself in the fevered world of her own imagining? Mary Harron who directed American Psycho remakes the novel as a brilliant, must-see film, starring Sarah Bolger and of course Lily Cole. Harron said: “This is a chillingly atmospheric horror story with real emotional depth. I’ve tried to stay true to Rachel Klein’s novel in the way it re-works and updates the Gothic tradition and the whole notion of girl-on-girl vampires.”
Avery Parker