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Each Other’s garments are presented as black canvases upon which the artists can work epitomising entirely the premise of Each Other: art and fashion do not have to be separated yet encapsulated in to one piece.

Each Other’s foundation of their fashion in each collection is to incorporate both art and fashion as one piece: to use their garments as if a new canvas involving perspective, questions and provoking thought.

Each season a selection of artists are invited to choose around five styles from each other’s essentials to play with, combining their artistic identity with each other’s values and aesthetics, allowing a variety of different minds to produce a garment; different imaginations, different philosophies and different styles.

Spring/summer 2014 collection has 31 looks, all of which do not correlate to a similar theme yet, just like much art, are not limited or isolated by a theme, freely inspired and influenced. The spring/summer collection involves artwork on canvas and artwork on garments.

Sophia Iona

Click here to see the full collection.