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neverland by tink - the clothes maiden

If you’re a girly girl, and into pastel colours and all things sweet then get ready to be this brand’s biggest fan. Let us introduce you to Neverland by Tink, the label for all the girls who have to grow up, but want to do it looking extremely fabulous. This little emerging label is made with love in Australia by the designer Tink.

neverland by tink - the clothes maiden

These designs are all one of a kind or just one of a few which makes each and every one of them that little bit special. With Neverland by Tink, you don’t have to worry that someone else will have what you own, every item is practically limited edition, so you will certainly stand out in style. Neverland by Tink is for the girls who dare to wear something different, and not be caught in the bland chain store, sweat shop produced clothing that everybody else wears.

Amelia Graham

Click here to visit the beautiful Neverland by Tink website. You can also Like them on Facebook too.