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CBD can be used in many ways. By direct ingestion or in cooking and drink recipes, by vaporisation for inhalation, in capsules, in creams… It is up to you to choose the consumption method that suits you best.

If you wonder what is important to know before buying CBD oil and other CBD products, click on this page: “What You Should Pay Attention To When You Buy.”

Many different ways to use CBD

The way CBD is consumed has an influence on its action, both in terms of intensity and duration.

The fastest way to distribute CBD in the body is sublingual, followed by inhalation and finally ingestion. The absorption mechanisms of CBD are indeed different in the digestive tract and the respiratory tract.

Vaping CBD can produce the first effects on the body after 15 to 20 minutes while consuming it in a cooking recipe differs over time the action of the molecule.

A recipe containing CBD can take full effect after one to two hours, the time necessary for digestion to have started and for cannabidiol to pass through the digestive mucous membranes. This consumption method is often appreciated by people who seek long-term relief, for example, to be able to sleep and spend a peaceful night without anxiety attacks or pain.

Many different strains of CBD

The different varieties of CBD hemp also each have different flavours and characteristics due to varying rates of compounds. So do not hesitate to test several types and several ways to consume hemp to find your favourite CBD (s).

CBD oils

There are three types of CBD oils that we will present to you in order of increasing effectiveness.

The first form is isolated cannabidiol oil containing CBD crystals.

You will also find board spectrum or broad-spectrum oil, obtained by distillation of pure hemp oil. Distillation is often used to remove all traces of THC but has the drawback of also removing interesting compounds such as certain terpenes or other cannabinoids.

Finally, full-spectrum oil is the most effective and therefore, the most interesting CBD oil. CBD full spectrum oil contains all the compounds of the original plant. Consequently, it has all the cannabinoids but also other compounds such as terpenes, vitamins A, B, C and E as well as omega 3 and 6, flavonoids or fibres. All these components of CBD full spectrum oil work in synergy to accentuate the desired effects.

Placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue using a drip is the easiest and most effective way to consume cannabidiol. In sublingual application, CBD is indeed very quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes of the tongue.

After one to two minutes of presence under the tongue, it is possible to swallow the CBD oil, which will then be assimilated by the digestive tract. It is also possible to put a few drops of

CBD oil in your cooking recipes.

CBD oil can indeed be dosed using a pipette and consumed pure or mixed with a drink or food. However, it is strongly advised not to smoke CBD oil. The combustion of CBD oil generates carcinogenic compounds. Other forms of CBD are much more suitable for inhalation or vaping!

Choose only the best CBD oils

CBD is available in a multitude of forms, from dried flowers to oil and capsules.

To choose the form and quantity of CBD that will suit you best, you also need to take into account your consumption habits and your body’s sensitivity to cannabinoids. If you are not a regular consumer or if you are only starting to consume CBD, it is better to favour products with low dosages or easily fractionable to begin. You will be able to adapt your consumption to your feelings and the impact of CBD on your body.

As CBD is available in different forms and at different dosages, you will have no trouble finding the type of CBD that is right for you!