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With the clocks going back and the dark and cold of winter beginning to creep in, small changes can really help beat a bit of those winter blues. Here are 8 top tips to keep you feeling on track.

1. Walk to work

The extra hour will transform early morning starts. Daylight creeps in a little bit earlier than we’ve become accustomed to and now’s the time to make the most of it. Kick start your day with a walk to work and you’ll gain all the benefits of the early natural daylight and fresh air, keeping you feeling more alert and ready to embrace the day ahead.

Tips To Beat Those Winter Blues - The Clothes Maiden

2. Stay social

Dark evenings make it all too easy to spend our nights hibernating indoors with our fluffy pyjamas on, but spending too much time alone can make us feel down. Making plans to meet friends, family or colleagues will keep you busy and give you something to look forward to. Chatting, laughing and enjoying good food can be the perfect remedy to beat the blues.

3. Window of Opportunity

It’s still important to get your daily dose of natural daylight, even if you can’t get outside during the day. Something as simple as sitting close to a window or even better a roof window can make you more alert and boost energy levels. Even if you’re spending your days indoors, getting any kind of view onto the natural world can help to bring the outdoors in and ultimately enhance our mood.

4. Do something Active in the Evening

Even if you’re feeling tired and lethargic after a long day at work, ignore the darkness of the evenings and stay active in a way that you’ll enjoy. The social aspects of an exercise class will put a smile on your face and help to lift your mood.

5. Layer Up and Get Outside

If your boring packed lunches are getting you down, popping out at lunch time to get something tastier is a good excuse to leave the office. Time spent in the height of the midday daylight and fresh air will have such a positive effect on your afternoon progress that it’ll be worth the trip.

6. Get Snap Happy

Broaden your own horizons by challenging yourself to take up a new skill or hone an existing one. Having a creative outlet is the perfect distraction from feeling blue. A fantastic outlet for all your creative energy could be painting or knitting a new hat. Or you can use your camera or your phone to capture a moment that brings light to life. It’s the perfect opportunity to embrace the great outdoors to see what you come across.

7. Be Prepared

We’re all prone to waking up some mornings and not feeling positive about the day ahead – but being aware of it is half the battle. You can get ahead of the game by recognising that it might be a tough day – but trying to think about the positives. Having a night off from exercise, cooking your favourite meal or meeting up with an old friend can do wonders to boost your mood.

8. Book a Break

Bringing the outdoors into our winter schedules is great, but another great way to perk yourself up is to plan your next getaway. The promise of a weekend away or sunny climates will give you something to look forward to. Daydreaming is actually good for the mind as it helps us relax – and is there anything happier than imagining your next holiday? So get into gear this winter and don’t dwell on the negatives. It’s the perfect time to embrace a feeling of happiness in ourselves and jump at any opportunity to embrace daylight no matter how fleeting.

Alicia Joy