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While mindfulness may make us think of long sessions of seated meditation, it is also something that can be practiced at any moment of our day. Here are 10 ways to bring some mindfulness to your day. At any time of the day, we can bring our awareness to our body, our thoughts, our emotions, and our surroundings. Doing this non-judgmentally means we’re not paying attention in order to determine if we like what’s going on or not — we’re simply accepting what is.

While we think a formal meditation practice is extremely beneficial for bringing mindfulness into our lives, we can also practice moments of “micro-mindfulness,” bringing our attention back to the present moment. It helps us train our awareness to be in tune with our mental and physical states and our habitual ways of interacting with the world. Read through the list and see which ideas resonate with you and try a few of them out.

1. Take a deep breath before checking your emails.

2 Set your phone screen to an image that will remind you to take a mindful pause before using it, let it inspire you and motivate you to get work done during the day.

3. Once in a while, leave your phone and any other gadget you have at home when you go for a walk or run, and just pay attention to the natural world around you.

4. Start the morning by writing a to-do list, organise yourself, and your brain.

5. Keen an eye on your posture — just straightening up a bit and letting your head rest comfortably on your spine can do wonders for our attention, and our mood.

6. At least once a week, try attending a yoga class, you will see a massive difference to your life straight away.

7. Spend the day cleaning. As you clean, focus on the movements of the body, and the sounds and smells around you.

8. Your neck and shoulders is a common place where a lot of us carry stress. Get a loved one to massage you once in a while. Or treat yourself once a month to a full body massage at the local spa. You will find many good deals on the likes on Groupon if you’re on a budget.

9. When you are speaking to a friend or a colleague; focus all of your attention on them. You’ll be amazed at the power of listening; it’s an act of love and kindness. People appreciate it deeply when you truly listen to them.

10. When you sit for your meal, turn off all distractions and focus on your immediate experience. Before you begin to eat, pause. Look at your food, take notice of the scent. Eating mindfully can help you reclaim the pleasure of food. So many of us have become out of touch with this, one of life’s most simple and wonderful pleasures. Mindful eating has been shown to aid weight loss and have aided healthy digestion.

Danielle Mead