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Breakouts aren’t fun at all. They not only feel horrible on your skin but can even bring stress when you’re out in public. The best way to get rid of breakouts is to stop them in their tracks before they even start. To do this, you will want to follow some simple tips. Learn how to prevent breakouts below:

Wash Your Hair

Many people go a day or two without washing their hair because the oils supposedly keep it looking healthier and fuller. This is definitely recommended. However, when you have been working out or sweating a lot, you need to wash your hair. This is because bacteria can settle on your hair and make its way down to your face. This bacteria can eventually turn into a massive breakout. Be sure to wash your hair prior to bed for best results. If you can’t wash your hair, at least put it up in a bun so it isn’t touching your face.

Wash Your Hands

You hear this all the time from doctors, “wash your hands”. It’s not just an easy way to prevent disease but also to prevent breakouts. If you tend to touch your face during the day, you may notice breakouts patterns where your fingers touch your face. This is because your hands pick up the most bacteria throughout the day when compared to anything else on your body. When you touch your face you are transmitting this bacteria, which can then turn to a breakout. Sometimes washing your hands isn’t possible, like when you’re out and about. For this reason, you should always keep some hand sanitiser in your bad to use.

Remove Your Make-Up Before Bed

Keeping your make-up on while you sleep is one of the quickest ways to breakout on your face. Why? During the day you sweat. Make-up keeps this sweat and bacteria on your skin for long periods of time. Since the bacteria has nowhere else to go it creates pimples. Definitely invest in a cleanser that is specifically formulated to remove make-up. We definitely recommend checking out Yon-Ka’s Eau Micellaire make-up remover. This stuff is not only gentle on your skin but also smells great!

Learn to De-Stress

Research has shown that stress is a big factor in breakouts. In a 2007 study, researchers showed that in periods of high emotional strain (such as before major exams) students were 23% more likely to experience a breakout on their skin. The bottom line – learn to relax before bed. Some of our favourites include taking a long bath, putting on some classical music and putting some lavender essential oils near a pillow.

Danielle Mead