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Photography Spotlight: Emily Soto - The Clothes Maiden 3

Each image captured by Emily Soto emanates with her distinct visionary and romantic style, characterised by a perennial stream of emotively captivating, artistically adept, visual pieces. Based in New York City, Soto is one of the top names requested by fashion editors for her unique style and professional aptitude.

Photography Spotlight: Emily Soto - The Clothes Maiden 2

While her focus is high-fashion, she finds pleasure in personal artistic projects and by providing fellow photographers, through her workshops, with the skills and confidence to both pursue and fulfil their own photographic aspirations. Soto started out about two years ago, and is extremely passionate about both photography and fashion and loves blending the two to create outstanding fine art. Emily takes her inspiration from Tim Walker for her whimsical, dream-like images.

Imogen McGill

Click here to view more stunning photography by Emily Soto.