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Halloween is our favourite time of the year because it is when everyone embraces their creative side and goes crazy with fun and inventive ideas to be the best and scariest looking person at the Halloween party. Every year we find ourselves frantically Googling new ideas to go one step further than we went the year before with fun costume ideas and creepy, cringy but realistic make-up for both men and women. However this is the year that your frantic search comes to an end as this Halloween zombie guide is exactly what you have been searching for and will be your Halloween savour this year.


The 6th season of Walking Dead is about to be released and we are definitely more in love with it than ever before. Therefore, what better costume can we come up with for the Halloween of 2015 that is more creepy, scary and adventurous than to re-create the Walking Dead zombie look? Although this is not a direct tutorial to get the zombie look, it is more of a pre-tutorial/ what you need guide, as there is a lot of prep that you will need to conduct before creating this ultimate scare guaranteed look. So, where to start – equipment, tools and make-up:

Halloween Zombie Look: Brushes

topppppYou are going to need a whole host of different brushes for each individual section of this look so make sure that you have them all clean and ready! Although, there is no need for any seriously technical brushes as with every aspect of make-up, there is always space for improvising.

Generally with a look like this you are going to be using a lot of dark eyeshadow so you will want a good eyeshadow application and blending brush, powder brush, thin brushes for detail and a brush that you don’t mind getting mucky in all that wax and putty you’ll be using for gruesome scars. You’ll also need sponges – they are great for blending and getting a solid effect!

Tip: Don’t forget to keep those cotton buds nearby for any mistakes and clean ups.

Halloween Zombie Look: Essential Make-Up


The main goal for successful zombie Halloween make-up is to have your face looking as pale as you possibly can with dark bruising and scaring in every corner for that true creepy corpse look. To start off with, you can use whichever products that you want in order to achieve a white base and dark bruising; however, you must ensure you use a very pale powder so you can get a proper matte bloodless finish.

zombie look

Now for the fun stuff! The best part to re-creating the Walking Dead zombie look is to add a realistic edge with gruesome, oozing scars. A great way you can achieve this is by buying this great Ben Nye Fake Wound Kit from Cosmetic Co. We first came across this amazing wound kit from a blog on the Cosmetic Co website about Halloween make-up and fell in love with it! This kit will be sure to add the perfect dead man finish you will want to get and trust us when we say this, by finishing off your Halloween zombie look with these realistic looking scars you will be sure to win best dressed and scare a lot of people!

Alicia Joy