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The upcoming holiday season can be stressful in many ways. Relatives and friends are all scrambling for each other’s time, workloads tend to increase, and suddenly it seems like every person and their dog is shopping for gifts to give each other. The roads are cramped, the free time on weekends is rapidly drying up and depending on where you live, the weather doesn’t usually help any of this. In the middle of it all, your body is laboring under the strain of all there is to do, and often we are so busy around this time of year that we tend to load it up with fast food, or no food at all. In the upcoming months, taking small steps like buying Floradix health products from Fourbody to take during the day, or drinking extra water throughout the week, can really help to give your overworked body some much-needed support. We have arranged some tips on preparing your body for the upcoming holiday season.Herbs and spices with mortar and bottle with oil

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the be-all and end-all of herbal remedies. A quick perusal of any messaging boards on almost any subject will reveal a use for apple cider vinegar, and holiday-proofing your body is no exception. It can be used to lower blood pressure, improve diabetes and support weight loss, which are all hot-topics around the holiday season. Try regularly adding apple cider vinegar to taste-appropriate meals, or even just drinking it regularly, to start reaping some of the associated rewards long before you’ll actually need them.

Herbal Remedies

The stress associated with the holidays is the next thing to focus on. There are plenty of medical-grade anti-stress medications available, but usually at high cost both in dollars and in physical health. Try regularly consuming herbal teas as an alternative treatment for your holiday stress sessions, safe in the knowledge that they are 100% natural and 100% safe to consume. These teas include chamomile, passionflower and hops, and all can be used to relieve a bit of that looming worry that tends to hang around at this time of year, accompanying the family values, enjoyment, and entertaining of friends and loved-ones.

Digestion Decongestant  

If, like most people, you’re looking forward to eating hand-over-fist this holiday season, it might be an idea to look into herbal remedies that can be used as a decongestant. Digestively speaking, the holidays are weight-gain gold mine. Much more food than you would usually consume begins to make it’s way to you, and the food itself tends to be amazingly delicious, whilst simultaneously being amazingly bad for you. A couple of examples of very useful herbal remedies for this wave of delicious, destructive food are Chia seeds, Psyllium seeds, and oat bran. These three by themselves can help cleanse your intestines, soothe your cramping and act as an anti-inflammatory, making holiday dinners that much more enjoyable, without as much worry about the oncoming effect.

Herbal remedies are often frowned upon by a society that has grown used to taking pills and seeing doctors for anything from a toe ache all the way up to serious injury. This is a look that is unfairly earned, as herbal remedies are the precursors to almost all modern medicines, many of which are refined and concentrated version of naturally occurring remedies. Trying herbal remedies for the woes of the holiday season is a good way to naturally ready yourself for what is sure to be a fun and terrifically stressful holiday season, in equal parts.