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With temperatures rocketing lately, temperature specialists Stelrad have put together some tips on how to keep your home as cool as possible for the family, as well as pets:


Put a bowl of ice in front of a fan:

Simply put a bowl bucket or even tupperware filled with ice water directly in front of a fan. As the ice melts the breeze from the fan will pick up the cool air coming from the ice’s surface. This will recreate a cool breeze, similar to an air conditioning unit. Alternatively, a wet flannel or small, damp towel placed over a fan works just as well.

Keep curtains and windows closed during the day:

On a gorgeous sunny day it’s natural to want to want to see the sun and have it shining in through your windows, but it will heat up your surroundings similar to a greenhouse!

Open windows once the day gets cooler:

Once it gets towards the evening, temperatures will start cooling down, which means it’s time to open your windows – and definitely have one open whilst you sleep (if it’s safe to do so). Windows should be kept closed when the day is at its hottest, but once the heat starts to drop they can be opened to let in the cool evening breeze. Temperatures fall considerably at night, so opening a window in the evening will allow cool air to circulate around the house – it should help you sleep better, too.

Turn off the lights:

As you might remember from your secondary school science classes, light bulbs give off heat. It’s best to avoid any sort of extra light or heat sources when the temperature is already scorching! Plus, you’ll save money on the electric bill – it’s a win win!


Encourage them to stay in shaded areas and away from direct sunlight:

In these weather conditions, it is vital to keep a close eye on your pet to make sure they’re not in direct sunlight. They may want to sunbathe like the rest of us, but pets safety comes first and ensuring your pet is in a shaded area will keep them cool.

Put down damp towels for them to lie on:

A quick method to cool your pet down is to damp a towel with cold water for your pet to lie on when they are feeling particularly hot. This will allow your pet to cool down quickly and feel refreshed.

Put the garden sprinkler on:

If you have a sprinkler or a hose then turn it on during a hot summers day. This can be a fun activity for kids and will keep your pet feeling cool in the sun.

Amelia Graham