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You think skincare is about expensive serum, or you think it’s about a good daily moisturiser. In fact, many women think that skincare is all about the millions of home remedies that people come up with daily – after reading this, you might want to think again. Skincare is not about all that! It is not about how expensive the ingredients you used were, or how natural. It isn’t about the packaging or the care you put into making the ‘potions’. Skincare is really about three things. Now, you must be wondering – what three things? Well, these are the simplest things that form the basis of most effective skincare products. So let’s take a look.


Much of the damage that your skin suffers is from free radicals. Just as oxidation rusts iron, free radicals change the state of your skin cells. These free radicals are present in the UV rays that hit your skin as well as in the polluted atmosphere. The presence of these free radicals makes your skin struggle to maintain its suppleness and healthy glow. The result? Tired looking skin that ages at an alarming rate! But anti-oxidants do you a world of good! They nullify these free radicals – and so they both protect your skin from the harm, and prevent aging related signs. As for how you can get these free radicals – you can either consume them, in fresh brightly coloured  fruits and vegetables, or in the form of green tea. Or you can resort to using these ingredients topically on your skin – to get the same results! 


Next on our list: quite a bit of research shows that retinoid cream actually works. You may have heard of retinol in many skin care products – well retinoid is just another ingredient much like it. It serves a number of purposes in skincare and this simple product is from Boots. Essentially, it brightens the complexion, lightens blemishes and sun spots and unclogs and cleans pores. But along with that, it also targets the tell-tale signs of ageing – wrinkles, discolouration and rough spots. So it is an overall solution to most skin problems – especially ageing related problems. 

Portrait of radiant girl with glowing skin

Your skin has a natural barrier of external skin cells. These cells are what come in direct contact with the elements. As you know, each cell has a certain amount of water within it. This is the skin’s natural moisture ‘barrier’. By this we mean that when this layer of skin in healthy and moist – it protects the deeper and more delicate layers from damage. When your skin is dry or dehydrated, these cells deteriorate, leaving the ‘natural barrier’ harmed. This exposes your skin to long term damage. When the natural moisture barrier is breached, your skin becomes dry and sensitive. In addition, it loses its natural pH level, which means that bacteria can grow and thrive more easily. This leads to breakouts and acne as well. So you can understand how very important it is to maintain your skin’s moisture level. How can you do that you ask? By using a good quality pure and natural moisturiser – it needn’t have a lot of expensive ingredients! You can also do this by drinking water – 8 to 12 glasses a day. If the dermatologists are to be believed – then there really are the only ingredients you need in your skin care! 

Alicia Joy