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With the second step of the government’s roadmap out of lockdown currently being rolled out we’re all looking forward to reuniting with family and friends. Eden’s Gate, the UK’s Number one health and wellness store, have rounded up some easy ways to help you look and feel amazing. Let’s face it, we’re all in need of some extra self care…

Be Kind to your Mind

It is important to be kind to yourself in order to maintain a positive mental attitude! A good way to start is by journaling and writing down what you’re grateful for in the evenings, this will help you clear your mind and to reflect on the day. If you suffer from anxiety, using CBD oil will help calm nerves and relax your mind. Experts at Eden’s Gate recommend using CBD oil for its many positive physiological effects in treating stress with lockdown restrictions easing.

Look After your Body

Although it is easier said than done, looking after your body is vital and eating healthy has a huge impact on how you feel. Eating foods with refined, added sugar is known to increase headaches, cause low energy levels and inflammation. However, cutting back on sugar (not completely!) will boost your motivation and ability to focus, who would’ve thought? Try to also follow a sleep schedule, eat a well-balanced diet and drink water. Experts suggest following these steps will have you naturally feeling better!

Keep Active

It has been revealed that 10 minutes of exercise a day can increase your chance of a longer life! If you’re struggling with motivation, why not try using resistance bands. This is a practical way of exercising, especially if you’re working from home and have joint pains. It is also essential to keep up the daily walks; going outside and getting vitamin D will do you the world of good.

Stay Connected

With June 21st the date on everyone’s mind, don’t forget to stay connected with friends and family in the meantime! Keep in touch, even if this is a weekly zoom quiz and remember it’s not long until we can all hug our loved ones freely!