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Plain yogurt is a multi-vitamin super-food used in plenty of homemade face mask recipes to leave you with beautiful youthful looking skin. If you have some free time this week, make sure you pamper yourself with our DIY homemade yogurt face mask. What makes yogurt so special? Yogurt is loaded with vitamins and minerals that nourish and revitalise dehydrated skin. This recipe is simple, and easy to follow. If you have acne-prone skin, you will find using a yogurt face mask will banish those pesky pimples. Yogurt is a great ingredient for getting rid of spots naturally, as it contains anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, as well as alpha hydroxyl acids, which kill acne-causing bacteria.

diy face mask - the clothes maiden


  • 1 teaspoon yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon oats


  1. Combine all the ingredients in a small mixing bowl and mix well.
  2. Apply a thick coat to your face with clean finger tips. Let it settle for 15 minutes.
  3. When the time is up, gently rinse your face with warm water and ensure the entire mask comes off.
  4. Splash cold water on your face to close up your pores. Pat dry with a soft clean towel.

Use plain, unsweetened probiotic yogurt, flavoured yoghurt can make your skin irritated. Before you put the face mask on make sure you have a quick facial steam before applying your mask to open up your pores and enable the nutrients of the mask to sink deep into your skin. Another handy tip is to make sure you gather your hair away from your face by tying it into a tight ponytail behind your head or placing a headband to keep the bangs from getting in the way. Finally, if your skin feels a bit stiff after this mask, rub a drop or two of olive oil into your face as a natural moisturiser. Wake up with amazing, soft skin.

Danielle Mead