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The Remtem brand has this concept of letting go of your troubles. Let yourself flow freely. It is like an encouragement to the broken hearted to let themselves feel about what seems or comes easiest to them.  

Reema, the artist behind this concept wants to go out to all those people with broken relationships and make them understand they must find something they find easy to do because they are so exhausted from all the fights and mental stress. 

This hanging mobile was very soothing to her when she first made it. To just see them floating in her room calmed her thoughts. When the artist looked closer at the designs they seemed to distract her from her problems. 

The hanging mobiles are folded origami, which on its own has such a comforting feeling. When ever Reema found herself heading towards negativity and depressing thoughts she would fold Japanese origami cranes. It was a self healing source and the artist wishes to share this thought with others. 

Click here to visit the website and get inspired.