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Yoga has become one of the most used practices to help your body get the maximum relaxation when you start your morning or after a busy and tiresome day at work. It is one of the unique fitness regimens providing your body with perfect toning, strengthening and endurance. Apart from providing your body with a fantastic workout, practicing yoga has the capacity to encourage your brains meditate, stimulate and relax. Therefore due to this, yoga practice has been proven to be the perfect way of starting or ending your busy days.


It is recommended to practice yoga to help you bring back your body to a fully functional state. No matter which type of yoga practice you choose, all yoga styles can help you balance your body, mind, and spirit. The following are five basic yoga poses to improve your posture and wellbeing. 

1. Spinal Twist Pose


This is a very simple pose as it can be done by just sitting on the floor at home, on your mat at the gym or even on your office chair while at work. It has been proven that this exercise is always good for your lower back. To make sure that you are doing it perfectly, you are required to select a perfect posture of sitting, make sure that your shoulders are over your hips directly and rolled back. Make sure that you sit as tall as you can then start alternate inhaling and exhaling slowly as you twist leftwards until you face the wall behind you.

2. Sun Salutations


This is one of the poses that is always recommended for those people who find themselves to be so busy that they cannot find time for exercise. This is due to the fact that it only requires a few minutes of their time to perform the ritual. It is very essential in the stimulation of the joints and the muscles. It is normally comprised of a series of twelve non-stop poses that usually go together with proper breathing and you can do it more than twice a day.

3. Breath Control

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This is the kind of pose that is always considered to be the most popular part of the yoga. It is normally done by just sitting erect in a place that you have dedicated for yoga exercises alone. That place should always be free from noise be it is also preferred that it be close to nature. Doing this breathing pose of yoga, will make you gain the kind of body relaxation you need after a busy sitting all day.

4. Meditation


This is one of the simplest yoga poses exercises that you can do just be make sure that you have gain maximum relation you need. It simply involves setting your mind and develops the concentration, emotional positivity, clarity and see the true nature of things calmly as you inhale and exhale freely.

5. Breath Control, Sun Salutation and Meditation Combined


You can combine all the mentioned poses to achieve maximum body relaxation. This will only require a little part of your time as you can do it in just 3 minutes every morning and afternoon. You should make it your duty that to do it on daily basis just to make sure that you expand your yoga practices.

Danielle Mead

With these poses followed, and practicing those on a regular basis you can be rest assure not only your posture will improve, but also you’re flexibility, strength and wellbeing. Therefore, make sure you adhere to these poses for greater benefits.