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Here are five simple yet very effective beauty tips that work instantly. Never have a bad day again when it comes to beautifying yourself.

1. Whiten Your Nails


If you’ve recently found your fingernails are slightly discoloured use toothpaste on them. This usually happens when you let nail polish stay on your nails for very long and when you’ve used cheap nail polish, nails look yellow. Whiten them up by rubbing toothpaste to remove the stains. You can also add a few drops of lemon for extra whitening, it’s a natural bleaching agent.

2. Hydrate Before Travelling


Since when you’re in a plane, you’re much closer to the sun, the proximity lets you be exposed more to the solar rays. Avoid drinking alcohol and salty foods because they are dehydrating. Drink lots of water instead, this will help your skin a lot.

3. Powder The Roots of Your Hair


If by any chance you have no chance to jump into the shower and you need to look your best. Say for example you’ve spent the whole night preparing for an important presentation. Get a fluffy make-up brush and dab it onto loose powder and then brush it on the roots of your hair. Shake off the excess. The powder will soak off the grease in your hair.

4. Cure Calluses with Vaseline


It’s very unsightly to see hard calluses on your feet especially when you’ve been wearing closed shoes for a long time. To soften these tough calluses, put petroleum jelly on them and then put on socks before going to bed at night.

5. Use Brown Sugar to Treat Dandruff

the clothes maiden

If you’ve tried all the dandruff shampoos that you can buy and still your dandruff persists, try out this homemade treatment instead. Mix two parts of brown sugar with one part conditioner and then use this on your scalp. Leave on for about three minutes and then rinse it off in the shower. Instant results.

Alicia Joy