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What are the best beauty-related experiences we think every girl should have or do to feel good about themselves every day? Here’s our beauty “bucket list” for some serious inspiration.


  1. Dye your hair a crazy colour. It can (and often should) be temporary, but it’s really fun to experience life with pink, turquoise, cherry red or even silver-grey hair. If just for a day.
  2. Get waxed. It’s like they say – beauty is pain. Most waxing isn’t that bad, honestly, and we think having conquered the experience is like a badge of Lady Honour.
  3. Wear red lipstick. It’s not hard! Wearing a bolder colour can be scary, but just go for it. Nobody will mind. They’re going to be too busy being jealous of your confidence and sexy red lips.
  4. Find a signature scent. We think every woman should have a fragrance she really, truly loves for a long, long time. You know, the kind that makes ex-boyfriends remember you when they smell it on a stranger.
  5. Do something out of your comfort zone. Chop your hair off. Paint your nails a colour that you’d never normally try. Do a nude lip instead of a hot pink. Try out a new bar that you never fancied going to before. Whatever it is, it could be something you end up loving.
  6. Be OK with the way you look au naturale. Believe that you are beautiful. There is nothing more beautiful than that. The most efficient way is by eating a balanced diet and also getting plenty of exercise. Start by walking with friends, taking up dancing, or start to jog around the block every day. Try going make-up free. Lots of make-up is tested on animals and is bad for your skin in the long term.
  7. Learn who and what makes you feel beautiful. Cherish those things. Maybe even write them down or keep a photo of a special moment, so when you feel terrible, you can go back and remember when you felt the best.
  8. Learn from your mistakes. So black hair isn’t your best look. Oh well – it’s not permanent.
  9. Find a “look” that you can pull together quickly and always feel like a slightly more enhanced version of yourself. So that can be doing your brows, mascara, foundation, blush and highlighter and you’re ready to crack on with your day.
  10. Find a hairstylist who gets you. Once you find him or her, never let them go.
  11. Find your Holy Grail products. You know – the foundation that makes you look like your face has been filtered, the serum that enhances your curls, the lipstick that makes you feel invincible. Purchase them and re-purchase them, and keep a backup handy just in case they get discontinued.
  12. Do things that make you feel beautiful. Be charitable. Be kind. Exercise. Be a good friend/wife/sister/daughter/mother. Remember that real beauty is the kind that starts within. It’s cheesy, but it’s true.

Bailey Moss