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“Hold your head up, throw your shoulders back, poke your tits out, and walk in there like you own the place”. Doesn’t sound like traditional beauty advice. I can agree, but those words are on repeat in my head every day of my life. This sage advice was conveyed to me by the most unlikely beauty source I could imagine: my father. I am the lead singer of a band called VEXINE. I don’t get stage fright. EVER. It doesn’t happen. I walk out on that stage, hold my head up, throw my shoulders back, poke my tits out, and I walk on that stage like I own it. Those four steps give me a superpower….CONFIDENCE. That confidence allows me to sing without fear, and to be my true self not only on stage, but in my daily life.

I dress up every day, even if I’m not leaving the house (check out #fulltimefancy). If confidence is my superpower, my Super-hero uniform is red lipstick, a petticoat and a swing dress. There are looks I can pull off in 15 minutes, and looks that take two hours. I found a style that works for me in everyday life, and translated very well into my stage persona. Since I was little, I was obsessed with old movies. I studied the hair, the clothes, and the makeup. I dreamed of a fairytale store where you could buy gowns, wiggle dresses, hats, snoods and gloves (LAWD, YES, they exist now <3). I did not fully embrace my beloved vintage style for many years. I wore what you could buy at the mall (with a few vintage pieces sprinkled in). I wore things that were safe for work…and…*ahhhhh, youth*…. things that my boyfriends liked. As years went by however, something changed.

What changed? The message my dad taught me was no longer false bravado. His words were so engrained in my psyche that I didn’t just have to act confident, I WAS confident. It was as if I had signed my own permission slip….to do, dress, sing, and act, however I wanted to. I gave myself the permission to be my true self, and to trust my own opinion. So go ahead, Doll. Get up tomorrow, put on your red lipstick and repeat after me: “Hold your head up, throw your shoulders back, poke your tits out, and walk in there like you own the place”. Trust me, you will feel not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, where it really counts.

Sarah Gleason