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Please tell us a bit about yourself Katy? 
My name is Katy Small, I was born in Scotland and grew up in Edinburgh and then a little village in the Scottish borders. I now live in Brooklyn, NY where I work as an illustrator and exhibiting artist. 
What inspired you to begin your artistic career? 
I fell in love with drawing towards the end of high school, partly thanks to an inspiring art teacher and partly thanks to my boyfriend at the time, both of whom helped me to believe in the possibility of making art. Once the seed was planted, I just drew and painted and read and drew until I couldn’t imagine doing anything else and put everything into getting accepted to Edinburgh College of Art.
What do you do when you’re not using your creative brain? 
When I am not actively working I love to visit Botanical gardens, travel, walk around New York, sit on my stoop with friends and wine on sunny evenings, read, take hot baths, talk to my mum, cook and have long meals with lovely people. I’m not sure I am ever not “in” my creative brain! It’s just there.
Do you have any favourite artists out there? 
Current artists: I love the colours of Ana Kras’ work. I love Ariel Dearie’s floral designs. The paintings of Landon Metz. Past artists: The botanical drawings of Elsworth Kelly, the paintings of Matisse.
Who’s your personal style icon and why? 
It changes all the time. She is some kind of gypsy artist with long hair, big eyebrows and silver jewellery. I also love Brooke Sheilds in Pretty Baby, Eva Green in The Dreamers, girls in French New Wave films, 90s Kate Moss. 
Do you have a favourite piece of artwork?
I’m far too indecisive to have a favourite!
Any exciting projects in the pipeline? 
I’m working on a series of abstract botanical paintings at the moment. I haven’t painted large scale for years, and I’m really excited about where it might go. I also have a private wall mural  and a collaboration with a wonderful art director in London coming up. 
How do you see yourself in five years time?
I hope to be healthy, happy and still earning my living as an artist. I’d like to be working on more large scale paintings, murals & sets, and to be collaborating with high profile brands and photographers. I ‘d also love to have started work on a book project I have in my mind; traveling and drawing diverse botanicals from all over the world.
Click here to visit Katy Smail’s online portfolio