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If you’re really in the mood for a spring clean this weekend then you’re in luck by coming across this article. If you’re struggling with keeping your bedroom clean then we want to show you how you can keep it a lot cleaner for longer. Perhaps you have dirty laundry laying about the floor. You don’t know if it’s clean or worn. Are plates and cups stacked up looking a bit like Jenga? You are never far away from some good old bedroom tips. Today is the day you say “enough is enough” , it’s time to implement these steps into your cleaning routine.

how to have a clean bedroom - the clothes maiden

Change The Sheets


There’s nothing better than laying in a bed with fresh, crisp sheets on it. There’s just something about a freshly made bed that reminds us all of cleanliness. Start with stripping your bed, take off everything, bed sheet, duvet cover. Let your mattress air out for a while. Flip it over if you must! By starting here, you’re motivating yourself to make everything else in your room look amazing.

Everything Has Its Place

see through makeup box organisers - the clothes maiden

One of the most difficult assaults that our bedroom undergoes is the constant struggle for everything to find its place. Us girls have lipsticks displayed on every table top, draw we own. There’s shoes laying around from when you wore them last weekend. Before you tackle this mission. Look at everything that hits the floor or top of your dresser and work on creating a solid home for those things.

Surface Clean Once a Week

carpet cleaner - the clothes maiden

If you’re tired of that annoying stain on your carpet. It’s time to do something about it and this doesn’t have to be an expensive decision either. It’s easy, get in an affordable carpet cleaner. You will definitely feel much better once you see the after results. It’s not all about that stained carpet either. Make sure you keep on top of cleaning your surfaces in your bedroom. Schedule time during your week (a few minutes every Saturday morning, for example) to wipe down electronics, furniture, windowsills and your mirrors.

Top Carpet Cleaning Tips

1) Vacuum, Vacuum and Vacuum some more! Overtime the dirt embedded in your carpet will actually destroy carpet fibers, causing the dull appearance in your high traffic areas.

2) Area rugs are a great way to help maintain the carpet in the areas that receive the most foot traffic. Also place door mats in front of an entrance and exit to help trap dirt before entering your home. 

3) Having a no shoe policy we help prevent unwanted particles being tracked inside your home.

4) Invest in a shop-vac. This is a fantastic tool when dealing with spills. You never want to scrub the carpet as this can damage the carpet fibers as well as push the stain deeper into the backing and pad. A shop-vac used with a spot cleaner will lift the spot out of the carpet and padding without causing any damage.

5) Find a reputable carpet cleaning company in your local area. Your carpet and upholstery should be cleaned at least once per year. Everyones living situation is different so a more frequent cleaning routine may be required.

Keep Food Out

food - the clothes maiden magazine

This might be a hard one, if it’s a habit eating food in your room then try to break out of it. As tempting as it is to bring dinner into your room, all of those dirty dishes and wrappers soon add up and mess up a room quickly. If you absolutely must eat food in your room, bring your dishes back to the kitchen and throw all rubbish in the bin when you are done.

Throw It Out or Donate It


If you’re a bit of a clothes hoarder then this last step will be hard. Sometimes you just have to take a big deep breath and let go. Think about what you don’t wear anymore. If you’re old jeans don’t fit you anymore, throw them out. The best thing to do is get some black bin liners together and fill them up with unwanted clothes and donate them to your local charity shop. Not only will you feel much better with your new bedroom results but you will also be giving to charity. It can’t get much better than that.

Avery Parker