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Oil Pulling is the next big beauty crazy everyone seems to be doing at the minute. From Hollywood stars to our favourite beauty bloggers. If you’re wondering what it is, it is an ancient practice which started in India thousands of years ago. It’s a totally natural way of your whitening teeth and boosting oral health in general. The basic idea is that you swish a tablespoon of a vegetable-based oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes each day. Just like you would with normal mouthwash. This action cuts through plaque and removes toxins without damaging your teeth and gums. 

how to get white teeth - the clothes maiden

The biggest benefit of doing this is that it reduces the number of harmful bacteria in your mouth. There are thousands of types of bacteria in your mouth – some are friendly, others not so much. With Oil Pulling, the bacteria gets ‘stuck’ in the oil when you swish it around – it then dissolve in the liquid oil. Here’s straight forward steps t how to get whiter, cleaner teeth.


  1. Put one tablespoon of a vegetable-based oil in your mouth
  2. Swish it for 15-20 mins. If you don’t do it for this long the oil will not break through the plaque and if you do it for any longer the body will start to reabsorb the toxins and bacteria. So timing is key!
  3. Spit it out down the sink
  4. Rinse well with warm water
  5. Brush well with toothpaste as this will make sure any remaining bacteria is killed.

Danielle Mead