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There’s an enormous list of “miracle” products out there claiming to restore damaged hair to its primary condition or turn dry, straw-like hair into silky locks of wonder. Unfortunately, the products you find at stores only help so much before damaging your hair with chemicals. Herbs and spices are a natural alternative for healthy, striking hair. They don’t break the bank like costly salon products. These seasonings work their magic when sprinkled in your food or applied directly to your hair. If you desire dreamy locks, put your purse away and rummage through your cupboard instead! These herbs and spices listed below stimulate hair growth, fight frizz and add healthy shine.


1. Rosemary

Few herbs are quite as powerful when it comes to creating a head of healthy hair as rosemary. This common herb stimulates and improves circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth, and it relieves symptoms of a dry scalp and prevents dandruff. Not only that, but rosemary can even help to prevent premature graying! It doesn’t get much better than that.

2. Burdock

If you long for length, look no further. Burdock contains tannins, insulin, vitamin A and fatty acids that stimulate hair growth and promote lengthy, flowing locks. Like rosemary, it keeps scalp conditions and itchiness at bay. Mix burdock root tincture with water and apply to your hair, or opt for the plant in its oil form and massage through your scalp.

3. Cumin

Don’t underestimate the power of these small seeds! Cumin contains over a hundred nutrients and vitamins, many of which are proven to replenish thirsty strands and give you a healthy mane. Black cumin in particular combats thinning hair and leaves you with shiny locks. For a deep cumin-conditioning treatment, make a creamy solution by mixing cumin seeds with water, straining the seeds, and adding egg yolk or olive oil to the mixture. Massage the concoction into your hair and let it sit for half an hour. You won’t stop running your fingers through what feels like silk!

4. Chamomile

This Egyptian daisy-like plant gained popularity centuries ago. It’s praised for its sweet, soothing taste in tea form. Unlike other herbs, chamomile has a unique effect on your hair’s color. Rinsing your hair with chamomile tea will brighten and enrich tones. It turns brown tints golden and enhances blond locks. Steeping a cup of chamomile flowers in hot water and rinsing your hair will lighten your highlights and bring out golden hues. If you’re dealing with dullness and long for glistening strands, chamomile has you covered!

5. Black Pepper

Black pepper has a reputation of fighting colds and improving digestion, but the spicy plant does much more. Black pepper improves your hair from the inside out. Its nutrients and vitamins detoxify your mane back to its natural state. It also increases blood circulation in your scalp, promoting hair growth. Black pepper is a perfect go-to on disappointing dandruff days. It relieves dandruff and leaves you with silky smooth locks.

6. Sesame

To hydrate dry, thirsty hair or accelerate growth speed, use sesame seeds. Sesame seed oil is fantastic at solving hair woes. Extracted from the flower sesamum, sesame seed oil boasts numerous healing and lubricating properties to give you lovely locks. Oiling your hair with this spice adds glorious shine and smoothness. It also works as a natural sunscreen, protecting your hair from harmful UV rays. It also strengthens your roots and mends split ends. Even the most superior salon-quality products can’t accomplish that!

7. Horsetail

This unique herb contains amazing benefits for your hair and skin and powerful anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Sipping horsetail tea, taking it in supplement form, or mixing the extract with olive oil will revitalize dry, frizzy hair. It’s a popular growth supplement and is known to cure baldness, but the source behind the magic lies is silica. Silica treats damaged hair and split ends naturally, leaving you with a gorgeous, glossy mane.

Amelia Graham