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The clock strikes 3pm and our yawn is almost completely in sync. Sound familiar? Afternoon energy slumps can creep up and catch us all off guard and before we know it, we’re craving something sugary and unhealthy. We all know that the sugar will do us more harm than good, but our bodies have a very clever way of persuading us that we need it. Let’s kick this habit to the curb and long may it rest. 

Overworked and tired young woman in front of computer

1. Queen B & Queen D

In other words, get outside for five minutes, enjoy some Vitamin D (or some icy winds, area dependent…) and put on your headphones. Taking an outdoor break isn’t just reserved for the smokers in the office, believe it or not. It can do you wonders to get some fresh air and a feel-good song is going to make matters even better.

2. Get The Kettle On

And we don’t mean for builders tea, either. Sipping green tea is a great way to boost your energy whilst packing your body full of the good stuff. Matcha is also an amazing tea choice, it has 10x the antioxidants of normal green tea. 

3. Shake It Off

Put some Oh My Glow into your shaker and get going. Oh My Glow is packed with ingredients that will boost your energy instantly as well as keeping your sugary cravings at bay. With it’s huge nutritional profile, it makes your it numero uno choice for saying goodbye to energy slumps.

4. Eat A Smaller Lunch

Eating smaller portions and often can be a great way to keep on top of your metabolism and control your energy. Eating a smaller lunch will mean you can have another small meal at 3pm and get rid of any cravings. If you’re not hungry enough for two lunches, try snacking on a boiled egg or a handful of nuts. 

5. Switch Tasks

If you find you’ve been working on one thing all afternoon it can get really draining. Try switching tasks for 30 minutes and find yourself a brand new boost of energy!

Gracie Finch

For more tips and some great fitness articles and recipes you can check them out here.