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From the very beginning, the secret to having a youthful, radiant and glowing face has always been the use of facial products. Although there are quite a number of related products in the market, the best of them all are ones that can be made at the comfort of one’s home. The good thing about homemade facial products is that you can use your creativity in creating unique ones. In this case, if you are looking for some easy to make, affordable and effective DIY face scrubs, here are some ideas that should inspire you.

5 Super Simple DIY Face Scrubs - The Clothes Maiden 

 1. Brown Sugar Facial Scrub

To get started, thoroughly mix one cup of brown sugar with olive oil and lemon juice. Then, massage the mixture on to your skin and let it rest for 20-45 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water. As soon as you rinse it off, you will notice that your skin feels smoother. This scrub helps in exfoliating, cleansing and getting rid of stubborn blemishes on the skin.

2. Honey Facial Scrub

If your skin is currently experiencing problems such as acne or rashes, honey will do it good. When making the scrub, combine the honey with some milk, sugar and lemon juice. Then, after creating a thick enough paste, apply it on to your face and leave it for about 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed at the results!

3. Egg White Facial Scrub

You can also use the egg whites in combination with yogurt and sugar to make a scrub. Since egg whites have both a cleansing and healing power, they are guaranteed to help in rejuvenating the skin and get rid of ugly blackheads. 

 4. A Soothing Facial Scrub

Avocado oil, cucumber and brown sugar are the perfect ingredients for making a soothing scrub. You can either choose to mash the cucumber first, or run it through a juicer before mixing its contents with other ingredients. If you have a sensitive skin, then you will find this scrub very friendly.

5. A Tightening And Moisturising Facial Scrub

To come up with this kind of scrub, have all the necessary ingredients ready – tomatoes, olive oil and salt. Start by scooping the tomato flesh before combining it with olive oil and salt to create a thick paste. The key benefit of this scrub is that it helps in retaining one’s skin elasticity.

Alicia Joy